Cultural Recycling in the Postdigital Age

ISBN 9783034345477
CHF 68.40
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This volume explores the development towards mass digitisation and datafication and its transforming influence on our way of organising our cultural knowledge and heritage. In this context, cultural recycling plays a crucial role, even if it is in itself not a new phenomenon. However, the quality and quantity of recycling processes have altered profoundly in the postdigital age. The contributions of this volume consider various manifestations of these recycling processes and practices by providing the reader with a wide range of different case studies. Their authors highlight characteristic features of postdigital recycling that differ from the qualities of recycling processes and practices in previous periods. What the case studies show are the different recyclings of canonical texts, folktales, and cultural productions in new postdigital environments, but also what happens to history and memory in todays times and even how self-declared pre-digital authors cannot escape postdigital strategies for cultural recycling.